
negating a workout

So when training for a triathlon you need to do a lot of work to be prepared for the actual triathlon. It's three sports all in one events - that's difficult. Well, tonight we went for our group swim class and boy was it a workout! It is a great head to toe workout that exhausts you and makes you feel good.

Well, I was proud of how hard I pushed myself and on my way home from the pool I was planning to have a big glass of lemon water and a banana when I arrived home. On the way home I got a text from my friend Ryan. It's fun getting text messages. Apparently there was something waiting for me when I got home. I love surprises!! Shawn got home before me, as he was also at the gym, and what was waiting for me?!? A CAKE!!! A chocolate and vanilla cake with green peanut butter icing and Reese's Pieces on top! SHUT UP! Ryan's girl makes the best cakes ever!!!!

Why did I get a cake? No real reason. Ryan and I were playing ball last week and here was our conversation:

Me: Jenn should make us a cake.

Ryan: Why?

Me: Because she makes a good cake!

Ryan: But is it for something? Is there a reason or something to celebrate?

Me: I don't know... Canada Day?

Ryan: That's too far away!

Me: Tuesday?

Ryan: Tuesday?

Me: Yeah, I like Tuesdays.

Ryan: What colour should it be?

Me: Green... it's my favourite.

So there you have, that's how I got a cake.

Well, when I got home I had a drink of water, no lemon, a piece of cake and some milk. Therefore I negated the great workout I had at the pool. Thanks a lot Ryan!