
awkward c

So, those of you who subscribe to my blog will know my acquaintance Awkward Chris. Typically he is my summer friend as he plays on my ball team. Well, this year I wouldn't call it playing on my ball team, I'd call it 'whining like a little baby and having a pissy attitude while not playing on my ball team and quitting without telling anyone who directly plays on the ball team'. Was that too long? I don't care.

So, he's been out to like two games and has been pissy at both of them. I think it all started when he had a steak night for his roller hockey team or something like that, I don't know. I do know that I couldn't go because I was training for a triathlon and had a training class... that I had paid a lot of money for. And my husband was out of town. So that meant I couldn't go. And said it was okay and he understood and he knew that we typically would have been there and we would support him on the next steak night. Well, we had a ball game the night of the steak night and NONE of our team went. I couldn't tell them to. I wasn't going, I had swimming class! Well, that pissed him off really good.

And then he came out to a game a few weeks after that and was so mad at people he refused to talk to anyone who didn't come to the steak night. Umm, that was pretty much the whole team. And then he was pissed off that he was at the bottom of the line up. Get over yourself!! Everyone has been at the bottom of the list. It happens! Unless your name is RaeShawnDale... you will be at the bottom!!

So last night, he comes out to the game. We were concerned we wouldn't have enough guys, but as usual when that happens... we have too many. So he shows up, late, with his darling daughter and sees we have enough guys and says 'oh, well I may a swell just go home I've got other stuff to do and I don't want to be at the bottom of the lineup anyhow' and then proceeds to stay for 6 out of 7 innings!!

If he shows up tonight he's going to be on the bottom of the lineup no matter what. Am I a jerk?