

So, I might have this praying thing wrong. A couple weeks ago our Pastor was saying that he and his wife were on a trip recently and they wanted to have breakfast at IHOP. So he tried to find it by driving down this one street and he had no luck. So he tried another - again no luck. Well, just as he was going to turn around again there it was - IHOP. He said God had answered his prayers.

So my question is, do I have this praying thing wrong? Do Lutheran's and other groups pray differently than Catholics? What if I was praying for IHOP when another child was praying for his mom not to die of cancer? And God answered my IHOP prayer instead of the cancer one. I'm sorry but my good Catholic conscience says I should feel guilty, and I do. I didn't even pray for IHOP but I feel guilty.

Maybe it's just me. I don't know.

I'm going to volunteer more at church so that I can understand this better.