
local radio

So for the most part, I don't mind our local radio stations. But there are a few DJ's (do we still call them disc jockey's?) that annoy me. A lot. Seriously, a lot.

One in particular is part of a trio that hosts a morning show. She annoys the shit out of me! Typically it is due to the fact that she comes across as not being very smart which I don't think this is an act, and she often mispronounces things VERY often and uses wrong words. For example...

- Jian Ghomeshi is prounced as John Gogameshi

- Matthew McConaughy is Matthew McGonagee

- when our Mayor won in an uncontested race she called it a coup of a win. He was uncontested and there was no bloodshed.

- she said Floyd Landis (an American cyclist who temporarily won the 2006 Tour de France) committed suicide after news broke about his doping scandle. It wasn't Floyd, it was his father-in-law. For an avid Tour watcher this really bothered me.

I'm sure there will be more examples. But at the moment this is all I can think of. And yeah, I know, I could change the channel or not listen to the radio in the morning but I do. And I like being annoyed by her. Some of the time.